Monday, May 20, 2013

WholyGround and Scibrary

Applesauce  -- just ripe apples and water, cooked for a cause, 1 quart (32 oz)I've been busy as usual.  My newest accomplishments are an Etsy store, WholyGround, and the science library, Scibrary.   Having setup an Etsy store now, I look back and wonder why I didn't do it a couple years ago when I first started thinking about selling some of our excellent homemade goods.    Hopefully through the WholyGround store I can teach my growing children the value of the food we make (and they take somewhat for granted).

Anyway, all the sporadic thinking and planning for how to make a full-time WholyGround business wasn't in vain even though I'm not using it like I thought I would.  Instead I'm applying what I learned to the Scibrary, and hopefully I will soon become the first Scibrarian and have the pleasure of focusing full-time on bringing learning to life for middle and high school students.

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