Friday, March 22, 2013

The Irony of Gay Activists -- What Will it Mean to be a Boy Scout?

I think you could ask almost any American adult what a boy scout is and they could come up with things like camping, hiking, developing character, and so on.  This is because the scouting movement has created a strong definition for what it means to be a scout.  Years of effort by countless people who caught and shared Baden Powell's vision have created this strong definition, but today many people including some scout councils are asking that the definition be changed.  The debate hinges around the oath taken by each scout and leader and recited at regular scout functions.

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country
and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
mentally awake, and morally straight.

 Specifically, the debate questions what it means to be morally straight.  This brings us to the irony of gay activists They preach tolerance;, however, they are not tolerant of the long-established definitions or meanings of things such as marriage or the Boy Scouts of America.  

What are the consequences of changing definition?  Let's suppose that the BSA decides after years of defending one of the fundamental tenets of the organization (specifically that morally straight means you are not homosexual) to open the organization to gay scouts and gay leaders.  From that moment and forward the meaning of being a boy scout or supporting boy scouts will have changed.  Suddenly, the years of defining morally straight to be heterosexual would be broken and the continuity the Boy Scouts of America has provided over the years would be fractured.  

Will this serve to build up civilization or does it serve to break down civilization?  Civilization is built upon language, and language depends upon words having specific meanings.  Examine the history of the word gay with this question in mind.  Almost all writing from the early 1900's uses gay to mean carefree and joyful, but today it is never used that way and instead means homosexual or something really lame or stupid.  This creates a discontinuity, confuses the rising generation and requires that they remember how and when the definition changed, and keep the time of a certain writing in mind as they read it in order to properly understand the meaning.  This change is a deconstructive act that represents not the building up of civilization but actually a small fracture in civilization.  The historical meaning of gay which endured for thousands of years has been completely changed over the last couple generations.
The irony is that gay activists while demanding "tolerance" are intolerant of the historical definitions and meanings of words, organizations, acts, and things upon which our civilization has been built up.  Rather than demand that what it means to be morally straight in the Boy Scouts of America be changed, why not create a similar organization in which to honor the gay boy and through which to create an the desired meaning.   Wouldn't this be true tolerance?

I realize that some with strong emotional ties to the subject will feel grateful for my stance and that others will want to label me as a "hater".  Please do not misunderstand.  Though I declare that homosexuality is a sin and is defined as such by an unchangeable God, I am in favor of tolerance.  We are all part of humanity and should work to build it up.  Let us put aside our arguing and rationally work together to build up society through tolerance of one another and especially through tolerance of the meanings and definitions upon which today's civilization has been built up.  

Be creative.  
Be inventive.  

Instead of breaking things that have established meanings 
by changing their meaning,
make what is needed for the present and future  

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